This research aims to clarify what the Library collections are, in terms of types and shapes, also to know the methods that were used in evaluating the library collection in the libraries and information centres, regardless the type of library whether it is children's libraries, school libraries, public libraries, university libraries or specialized libraries as well as electronic information sources which are available within the library collection , knowing the selection policy ,its motives and tools that the library uses them acquire the appropriate sources of information for its collection and its suitability to the needs of the beneficiaries, knowing their opinions and the extent of benefiting from their use of the sources of the information which are in the library, in addition, the operations of preserving, organizing, maintaining, perpetuating library collection , the processes of exclusion of sources that are not beneficial, diagnosing strengths and upgrading them, as well as weaknesses points and developing appropriate solutions for them, developing appropriate suggestions to develop them and bring them in line with scientific development , research and study needs.
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This book entitled “Fundamental of Collection Development and Management" by Lawrence Abraham Gojeh and Tilahun Shiferaw Shibeshi is based on the syllabus for Collection Development and Management course taught to the students of B.SC (Information Science) of Universities. Our objective is to explain the fundamental concepts of Collection Development and Management in an easy-to-understand language as well as cover the syllabus for this course to meet the needs of the students. The subject requires very thorough study of the collection development policies, techniques and their applications in libraries and information centers. We have evoked our experiences in library and information services as well as academic field in bringing out this book to meet the needs of all students in library and information science and to those working in libraries and information centers. The book is divided into eight chapters and made user friendly by adding a very comprehensive index at the end. The index will be very handy for understanding as well as locating page numbers of major topics discussed in this book. In addition, a generous list of bibliography is also added.
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The study focused on assessing the quality of catalogue records of university libraries in Karnataka available through their Web OPACs. The study assessed the various parameters of cataloguing records which determines the quality of the records. This study explains the methodology adopted for this research work in detail. The methodology gives describes the design of the study and procedures, the universities and sample records, instruments, methods of data collection, and treatment of data. The researcher identified nine of the existing 44 universities of Karnataka for the collection of data for the study. Only nine universities provided access to their catalogue records via the internet-based OPACs and hence, they have been selected.
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NACLIS 2012 Conference Proceedings
This paper covers the relevance and quality of library collection in terms of user satisfaction and the need to providing electronic resources and related services at the main library of Eastern University, Sri Lanka. It is very conspicuous that libraries are struggling between stringent budget cuts and voracious, complex user demands and ever-growing information media. Meanwhile, there is a noticeable transition of conventional to digital materials prioritized in the information business. In this regard, the researchers assessed the quality of the stock and its relevance by using ‘information audit’ model that was devised by Henczels. The study utilized survey methodology which included both quantitative and qualitative measures to analyze the data elucidated from questionnaires, interviews (focus group), and secondary information sources. It received 84.48% of the response rate for the questionnaire administration, whilst, focus group interviews elucidated data for qualitative assessment. The results revealed that there are issues to be taken care of, though the collection attained a reputation for updated editions in majority of the subjects, thus the user satisfaction in that aspect is high. However, the information audit process drew that the collection is not completely utilized by the users, which in turn, questions about the rationalization of expenditure on acquisition. It is found that users don't contend with the physical space of the library, which is insufficient to perform their reference services, and they demanded more electronic resources and their services. Therefore, the gaps should be narrowed to enhance the service quality of the library, for which the researchers proposed measures along with a well-refined collection development policy.
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