Application Forms and Fees

You can make your application online through the Planning Portal or by email or post using the relevant application forms.

Pre-application Advice

Before submitting a formal planning application, you can ask the Development Management team for informal views on the work you wish to do. We encourage pre-application discussions as they can often speed up the application process, encourage and support good schemes and may help to reduce costs. For more information view the Planning Advice section.

Supporting Information

Your application will need to be accompanied by all the necessary supporting information in order to make it ‘valid’. This will include the fully completed application form, the planning fee (see below), drawings/plans to a recognised metric scale plus any other information relevant to the application. For more information on the levels and type of information that will be required for your application please consult the Development Management Manual on the Welsh Government website.

Application and Pre-application Fees

Fees for pre-application advice and planning applications are set by the Welsh Government.

In order to calculate the correct fee, please refer to the Fee Calculator or the relevant Fee Sheets below.

Below are the common types of applications we deal with and their supporting planning fee:

Householder Application £230
Householder Non-Material Amendment Application £35
Householder Fee to Discharge Conditions £35
New Dwellings (up to and including 50) £460
Change of use of Building or Land £460
Erection of buildings (for agriculture) (not more than 465 cubic metres) £100
Lawful Development Certificate – For Existing use or Operation Same as full
Lawful Development Certificate – For Proposed use or Operation Half normal fee
Advertisement Application (for business or advance direction signs) £120
Other Advertisements £460
Non-Material Amendment Application £115
Discharge of Condition £115

You can view and download the forms and related guidance notes by clicking the links below:
